Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Is Your Computer Broke?"

This is what my Mother asked me yesterday on the phone.  I thought she was serious for a minute, then she scolded me for all those trips upstairs to the computer to check the blog......for nothing.  :)  Sorry Mother.

I told her we hadn't been doing aything exciting to blog about, but then I realized that was not true.  We have been doing a lot, I just didn't have any pictures.  (I got this one from Callie) 

Last week "the cousins" came up (the girls) and we took a little shopping trip.  Callie had received a gift certificate for Christmas and had been saving it just for this occasion.  Thanks to a little pre-Easter gift to all the girls from their grandparents, they were all able to do some shopping.  Not just some, we spent seven hours in that mall!  All four of the girls are becoming very wise shoppers. The key to enjoying shopping with a 14 yo and an 8 yo is to take along their cousins and at least one of your sisters.  We had a great time!  All that was missing was the other sister.

This week, we have had lots of Spring Break play dates.  It's nice when the older daughter's friend has a sibling for the younger daughter to play with too.   Although these growing kids can eat!!  It's good thing tomorrow is grocery day.

The weekend was filled with more great times with friends on Sunday.  We have been truly blessed by all the people God has placed in our lives.

I think Spring is truly here.  The days are warmer, storms (that don't involve snow) are in the forecast, and the grass is almost green.  That might be one of the best parts of spring.  I hate seeing the brown, seemingly dead grass.  Tulips are coming up that I had forgotten I planted and I can't wait to see what they look like.

We have two more days of our break then next week we'll be back to normal.

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