Sunday, March 11, 2012

Giving Thanks

415.  God's care of even the smallest details

416.  God's provision of extra money and a great playmate for Kate

417.  The promise of an upcoming spring vacation

418.  Rest

419.  Our wonderful church family

420.  Sunshine.  There's been a lot of it this winter and it certainly keeps me more productive, even though I have missed the snuggling that a big snow storm brings.

421.  Blogs that are filled with good ideas and home school inspiration that don't make me feel like I have to "do more" or that I'm doing it "wrong", but simply inspire me to do better and persevere.

422.  Reminders of why I do what I do and remembering it's what I begged God for.   If I can only remember to think of housework this way every day!

423.  My Mother who always prays for me and is always willing to help and has put up with me for 41 years. 

424.  God's provision of food.  Seriously.  We don't think of it often, but there are many out there who have none or very little and no one who loves them to prepare it.  I reminded my daughters of this fact last week more than once.  Then I called my mother and apologized for every meal that I ever complained about!  That's no small apology.  There was a time in my life when if two food items touched, I would not eat the parts that touched.  I even remember having to go to bed without getting to watch The Waltons because of the way I acted over some meal.  How dare I grumble over something that she worked hard to prepare and plan.  It's no small task let me tell you!

425.  Rest.  I said that already didn't I?  Good night.  I'm going to bed!

P.S.  I apologize to all grandparents for the lack of pictures lately.  I've been too busy with this spring clean out!

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