So I'll do it here.
I'm thankful that we have a field trip tomorrow and then we will be finished with school for the year! I have some other things I want to work on. Organizing, sewing, you know, fun things!
I'm thankful we finally got a good snowfall. I didn't think it was quite fair that people south of us got more, way more, than we did at first. We built some pretty odd looking snowmen and had a snowball "fight".
I'm thankful for our extended family and the traditions we have. Whether we head South or stay in state, we know we will be with family that we love.
Hot chocolate! You knew that was coming. :)
I love listening to Kate play Christmas songs on the piano. She's figured out how to play several and even added some bass notes and extra stuff too. She can't read a note of music, but she can play!
New days and a good night of sleep. Yesterday was a doozy!
I'm thankful for the ability to make things. Knitting, sewing, and cooked gifts are fun to make, help us save money (sometimes, depending on what is being made, it's not always cheaper, but that's not always the point) and, I hope, are enjoyed by the recipients.
On the flip side, I'm thankful I don't have to make everything. That would sort of ruin the fun aspect. I don't like pressure. :)
Friends who I know are praying.
Kate, who is becoming a crafting machine!
Callie, who seemingly could care less about crafting, but who spends almost every penny she earns on others.
Our Tuesday tea time and our Christmas books. I should make a list of our favorites. Callie is such a bookworm and has such fond memories of the ones that we've had for awhile, that she doesn't mind listening to them with Kate. I'm not sure how many years Kate will humor the reading of picture books, but when she's finished, any of you with small children are welcome to bring them over for story time!
I'm working ridiculously hard to keep this one horizontal surface pretty all day
I'm thankful for my parents who rooted our family traditions in Jesus, but who also knew that didn't mean one bit less of the fun and festive.
Lastly, I'm thankful for my husband. If I start telling why, I'll just start crying and blabbering and "ain't no body got time for that!"
I've got to go. People are going to expect a meal in a little while!
So sweet! And I love the snow pictures, although it took me a minute to "see" the snowman! Ha! He is adorable!