Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Month of May

When we lived on the West side of Indianapolis the month of May was all about The Race.  The Indy 500!  We lived close enough to Speedway to be able to hear the engines of the cars when they practiced.  It was one of those signs of spring for us.  I miss it when I think about it, but living away from the West side now, I practically forget all about it.

There has been quite a bit of excitement around here in Boone County this month and especially this week, but it has nothing to do with the Indy 500.  It's a "recital year" and we are tacking linings inside costumes and buying new tights and bobby pins.  I think we still need pick up some red lipstick.

the night the costumes come in is always fun



The make up is always a little freaky up close, but on stage it helps their faces not get completely washed out by the lights.  This picture just kills me!!

Okay, this one kills me too!!

2014 (pretty sure this was taken by a friend)

This year's performance will be a portion of Swan Lake and I think it may be my new favorite.  I'm still not totally sure about the story since I haven't seen the whole thing before, but I really love the music!  I'm very excited to see it all Saturday night.

That's not the only exciting thing happening this week.  Friday is our last official day of school.  Woo hoo!!  I can't wait to let the girls sleep in on Monday and not feel one ounce of guilt!  They will certainly need it after the weekend anyway.

These are older pictures, but they capture our feelings perfectly!

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