Monday, July 25, 2011

Summertime Gratitude

325.  Basil from our garden.  This year we have Thai Basil and regular (I don't remember the name) growing in the garden.  Yummy!  I mostly just use it to make pesto.  I could eat that stuff by the spoonfuls.  This is the first year we have grown Thai Basil.  So far I have only used it once, but it was good.  I Googled it and found this pasta recipe.  It was really good.  We will definitely be eating it again.

326.  Sunflowers.  Our easiest "crop".  We didn't even plant any this year.  They are all volunteers from past plantings.  It's fun to see which varieties come back and where they will pop up.  One is even taller than the back of the house!

327.  The gift of time.  Cameron is always willing to give me that gift whenever I need it.  And I know the girls like having him to themselves sometimes.

328.  Air conditioning!!  Oh mercy.  A whole week of  "High of 95, but will feel like 115."  I do not remember ever before taking almost cold showers, twice a day.  I think this is week is pretty much suppose to be more of the same.  Looking forward to October!

329.  Summer break.  We haven't really done anything exciting.  It has just been nice to hang out and not have all of the school things to do everyday.  In a couple of weeks or so, I'll be ready and excited to tackle another year.  Kate will be in Kindergarten this year! 

330.  Hearing "I love you mommy" from my almost 12 year old.

331.  Hearing "I'm glad Jesus gave me you for a mommy and not someone else" from Kate.  Can't believe I didn't cry over that one!  She has no idea yet of the depth of that statement.
332.  Being the mother of these two beautiful girls. 

333.  Once a week walk with a dear friend.  Nonstop talking. ;)

334.  The fact that the Boone County fair is free.  I have three family members who think we need to go three days in a row!  Although, we can't seem to go and not buy food, so I guess it's not really free.

335.  Swimming lessons ending on a good note.  It was not looking too good at the end of the first week, but Kate even asked to go down the slide the last day.  Something that had been making her cry the previous few days. 

If you are thinking her face has a look of sheer terror, you'd be right.  But last year there was screaming involved, so just a little terror was a big improvement.

See, she's fine!  And was even sad that lessons were over for the summer.

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